
AST/AJT Journal Club hosted by KPCOP

May 4, 2020 from 02:00pm to 03:00pm EDT

"The survival advantage of pancreas after kidney transplant."

Scheduled for Monday, May 4th, 2020, from 2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET • Hosted by the Kidney Pancreas Community of Practice (KPCOP)

"The survival advantage of pancreas after kidney transplant."
(Am J Transplant. 2019 Mar;19(3):823-830. doi: 10.1111/ajt.15106. Epub 2018 Oct 4.)

In this article:
"Patient survival after pancreas after kidney transplant (PAK) has been reported to be inferior to patient survival after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant (SPK). The authors examine national data to further explore allograft (kidney and pancreas) and patient survival after PAK... [The authors found that] successful PAK offers a survival advantage compared with receiving neither a kidney nor a pancreas transplant. These data also suggest that receiving a pancreas (after kidney) transplant may have a protective effect on the kidney allograft."

Jonathan Fridell, MD • Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN

Jon Odorico, MD • University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI

Live webinars in the AST/AJT Journal Club series are open to both members and non-members. Pre-registration is required.

Facilitator: AST's Kidney Pancreas Community of Practice (KPCOP)
Registration Deadline: May 4, 2020 01:00 EDT
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Format: 03/11/2025
Format: 03/11/2025

