Comprehensive Trainee Curriculum (CTC)



Solid organ transplantation is a multidisciplinary field, leading to a diverse community of professionals within the AST. As a result, it is often necessary for trainees to have extensive knowledge of all areas of transplantation—not just their specialty. While clinical training in transplantation exposes trainees to various specialties, an additional educational curriculum that encompasses all areas is highly beneficial.

The Comprehensive Trainee Curriculum (CTC) is a great way to expand your transplant knowledge. This course is an online educational platform that features dozens of webinars on various concentrations of transplantation. For those interested in a focused learning experience, CTC can also be viewed via a series of 12 recommended learning tracks have been included in the "Course Appendix."






How to Purchase and Access the Course - Click on "ACCESS THE COURSE" above and use the following instructions to purchase CTC from the online store:
  • AST MEMBERS: $50. Simply log in with your AST username and password to purchase and access the curriculum. There are no continuing education credits available for this program.
  • NON-MEMBERS: $200. If you have an account on the AST website, sign in with those credentials. If you do not have an account with AST, create an account and proceed with the purchase (your account will not be an AST website account nor a membership account; it is your webinar access account). There are no continuing education credits available for this program.
  • Interested in purchasing as a group of 5-or more? Tiered pricing discounts are available for group orders.
  • Please note there is no CE available for this course. CTC is designed to cover a wide variety of transplant content and allow the viewer the freedom to pick and choose their learning path based on interest and need.

  • CTC Planning Subcommittee: Shikha Mehta, MD - Chair; Tarek Alhamad, MD; Mary Chandran, PharmD; Deepika Devuni, MD, MBBS; Jeffrey Edelman, MD; Nissreen Elfadawy, MD; Roshan George, MD; Jonathan Hand, MD; Jared Herr, MD; Anoma Nellore, MD; Varun Kishor Phadke, MD. The CTC Planning Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the AST Education Committee.
  • AST would also like to thank the following individuals for the planning and development of the CTC course: Josh Levitsky, MD, MS - Chair; Jens Goebel, MD; Jonathan Hand, MD; Jared Herr, MD; Vineeta Kumar, MD; Ruth-Ann Lee, PharmD; Carrie Thiessen, MD, PhD; Angus Thomson, PhD, DSc


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