In Memoriam: Charles Bernard Carpenter

Today brought the sad news of the passing of Charles Bernard Carpenter over the weekend. Dr. Carpenter, or "Bernie" to his many friends, was a Professor at Harvard Medical School, one of the founding members of AST, and served as our 2nd President (1983-84). By my count, Bernie was directly or indirectly involved with training at least a half dozen AST past presidents and many, many past or current board members. His accomplishments over three decades at the helm of the Laboratory of Immunogenetics and Transplantation at the Brigham and Women's Hospital are legendary. Truly one of the giants of our field, he will be missed.
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Robert S. Gaston
Passing of Dr. Carpenter
Remembering Bernie
Charles B. Carpenter
Bernie Carpenter
An award to honor Bernie's contributions, brilliance, humanity
Dr. Carpenter
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