Education and Clinical Tools for the Independent Living Donor Advocate
November 19, 2015
Moderator: Jennifer Steel, PhD
- Describe ethical principles in conflict in provision of donor care
- Outline components specific to ILDA role
- Offer strategies to guide approach to conflicts
December 17, 2015
Moderator: Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC
- To identify core ILDA practice skills in caring for complex prospective donors
- Gain competence in assessment strategies for donors who may be ambivalent; feeling pressure; or are immature.
- Learn intervention approaches for care of these complex patients
May 28, 2015
Moderator: Rebecca Hays, MSW
- Discuss the history of live donor advocacy and the inception of the role of the ILDA
- Identify federal, state and OPTN regulations surrounding the role of the ILDA
- Identify federal, state and OPTN regulations surrounding the role of the ILDA
- Discuss critical elements required in hospital polices surrounding the delivery of care by the ILDA
- Discuss the skill set required to be a ILDA
- Identify acceptable variations in practice
- Identify basic and continuing education components of the ILDA
June 18, 2015
Moderator: Ellen Shukhman, RN-BC,BSN, CCTV
- Describe kidney structure and function
- Describe primary causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
- Explain treatment options for ESRD, including: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, deceased donor transplant and living donor transplant (LDT)
- Identify benefits of LDT for people with late stage chronic kidney disease
July 16, 2015
Moderator: Arthur Matas, MD
- Understand the Living donor evaluation process
- UNOS and CMS guidelines for evaluating the Living donor
- Laparoscopic surgical approaches and recovery
- Understand the short and long term surgical risks
- Understand the short and long term medical risks
- Understand Kidney Paired Donation and its impact on Living donors
- Understand the Living donor follow-up process and regulatory requirements
July 30, 2015
Moderator: Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC
- Describe liver structure and function
- Describe primary causes of end-stage liver disease
- Explain basics of liver evaluation process, MELD, and candidacy differences for living donor liver transplant recipients
- Discuss selecting the appropriate candidate for Living Donor Transplant
- Discuss recipient post-transplant complications
August 20, 2015
Moderator: Diane LaPointe Rudow, ANP-BC
- Understand the living liver donor evaluation process
- UNOS and CMS guidelines for evaluating the living liver donor
- Surgical approaches and recovery
- Understand short and long term surgical risks
- Understand the short and long term medical risks
- Understand the short and long term psychosocial risks
- Understand the living liver donor follow-up process and regulatory requirements
September 17, 2015
Moderator: Jami Hanneman, MSW, LCSW
- Discuss key elements of informed consent:Voluntariness, understanding, and intention to proceed
- Gain understanding of the regulatory requirements within the context of living donation
- Discuss key elements of, and challenges to, provision of living donor informed consent
October 22, 2015
Moderator: Jennifer Steel, PhD
- Outline common ethical challenges for ILDAs
- Discuss ILDA contraindications to donation and role of ILDA at donor selection
- Explore supervision and grievance policy strategies
- Management of dual roles and the ILDA
- Identify issues with regard to Donor-ILDA confidentiality and documentation
- Describe unresolved issues in ILDA practice