
Education and Clinical Tools for the Independent Living Donor Advocate

November 19, 2015

Moderator: Jennifer Steel, PhD



  1. Describe ethical principles in conflict in provision of donor care
  2. Outline components specific to ILDA role
  3. Offer strategies to guide approach to conflicts
December 17, 2015

Moderator: Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC



  1. To identify core ILDA practice skills in caring for complex prospective donors
  2. Gain competence in assessment strategies for donors who may be ambivalent; feeling pressure; or are immature.
  3. Learn intervention approaches for care of these complex patients
May 28, 2015

Moderator: Rebecca Hays, MSW



  1. Discuss the history of live donor advocacy and the inception of the role of the ILDA
  2. Identify federal, state and OPTN regulations surrounding the role of the ILDA
  3. Identify federal, state and OPTN regulations surrounding the role of the ILDA
  4. Discuss critical elements required in hospital polices surrounding the delivery of care by the ILDA
  5. Discuss the skill set required to be a ILDA
  6. Identify acceptable variations in practice
  7. Identify basic and continuing education components of the ILDA
June 18, 2015

Moderator: Ellen Shukhman, RN-BC,BSN, CCTV



  1. Describe kidney structure and function
  2. Describe primary causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
  3. Explain treatment options for ESRD, including: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, deceased donor transplant and living donor transplant (LDT)
  4. Identify benefits of LDT for people with late stage chronic kidney disease
July 16, 2015

Moderator: Arthur Matas, MD



  1. Understand the Living donor evaluation process
  2. UNOS and CMS guidelines for evaluating the Living donor
  3. Laparoscopic surgical approaches and recovery
  4. Understand the short and long term surgical risks
  5. Understand the short and long term medical risks
  6. Understand Kidney Paired Donation and its impact on Living donors
  7. Understand the Living donor follow-up process and regulatory requirements
July 30, 2015

Moderator: Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC



  1. Describe liver structure and function
  2. Describe primary causes of end-stage liver disease
  3. Explain basics of liver evaluation process, MELD, and candidacy differences for living donor liver transplant recipients
  4. Discuss selecting the appropriate candidate for Living Donor Transplant
  5. Discuss recipient post-transplant complications
August 20, 2015

Moderator: Diane LaPointe Rudow, ANP-BC



  1. Understand the living liver donor evaluation process
  2. UNOS and CMS guidelines for evaluating the living liver donor
  3. Surgical approaches and recovery
  4. Understand short and long term surgical risks
  5. Understand the short and long term medical risks
  6. Understand the short and long term psychosocial risks
  7. Understand the living liver donor follow-up process and regulatory requirements
September 17, 2015

Moderator: Jami Hanneman, MSW, LCSW



  1. Discuss key elements of informed consent:Voluntariness, understanding, and intention to proceed
  2. Gain understanding of the regulatory requirements within the context of living donation
  3. Discuss key elements of, and challenges to, provision of living donor informed consent
October 22, 2015

Moderator: Jennifer Steel, PhD



  1. Outline common ethical challenges for ILDAs
  2. Discuss ILDA contraindications to donation and role of ILDA at donor selection
  3. Explore supervision and grievance policy strategies
  4. Management of dual roles and the ILDA
  5. Identify issues with regard to Donor-ILDA confidentiality and documentation
  6. Describe unresolved issues in ILDA practice