Transplant Program QAPI Webinar Series

Join the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons as they host a 12-part educational webinar series designed and presented by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This series details all elements of Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) including the new Focused QAPI worksheet, adverse events, the new mitigating factors regulation, and more.
The content of this presentation is determined independently by CMS without input or endorsement from either the ASTS or AST. Both societies appreciate CMS providing this information to the transplant community and are pleased to facilitate that process.
Webinars are free to all, membership in AST or ASTS is not required. All webinars will be broadcast live, and the recordings will be made available on demand following the air date. Register today and mark your calendar.
Demystifying FQAPI and the new Mitigating Factors regulation • Originally aired January 30, 2015
Introduction to Transplant QAPI: A Regulatory Overview • Originally aired on February 11, 2015
A review of the Transplant QAPI Condition of Participation and Hospital Condition of Participation for Quality. This session will provide where Transplant programs are integrated into hospital QAPI activities and where distinct activities may occur.
FQAPI Worksheet Overview • Originally aired on March 11, 2015
An overview of the Focused Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement worksheet utilized by CMS surveyors.
Comprehensive Program and 5 Key Aspects of QAPI • Originally aired on April 8, 2015
A review of the requirements for a Comprehensive QAPI program and the 5 key aspects that effective QAPI programs contain.
Objective Measures – Monitoring & Evaluating Services • Originally aired on May 13, 2015
An insightful look into developing objective measures that allow monitoring and evaluations of transplantation activities in order to improve outcomes.
Performance Improvement Projects – Tools and Methods • Originally aired on June 10, 2015
A beginner's guide to the different tools and methods that may be utilized to conduct Performance Improvement Projects and Activities.
Adverse Events • Originally aired on July 8, 2015
An in-depth review of what Adverse Events are, and how Adverse Events can be identified, documented and acted upon in order to prevent future recurrences.
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Transplant Adverse Event “Thorough Analysis”• Originally aired on August 12, 2015
An in-depth review of what a ‘thorough analysis’ should contain, a look at tools and methods that may be utilized and how the results of an analysis may be used to prevent re-occurrences.
QAPI Tools 1 • Originally aired on September 9, 2015
A brief look at some of the 7 Basic Statistical Tools that may be utilized to conduct QA PI activities and a reference list of alternative tools/methods being used today.
QAPI Tools 2 • Originally aired on October 14, 2015
A brief look at the remaining Basic Statistical Tools that may be utilized to conduct QA PI activities and a reference list of alternative tools/methods being used today.
Download the Presentation PDF
Data Display - Tools and Methods • Originally aired on November 18, 2015
A brief look into the different tools and methods that may be utilized to display data, to analyze data and to turn raw data into useful information.
Download the Presentation PDF
Writing an Effective Plan of Correction & Other QAPI Resources • Originally aired on December 2, 2015
A session devoted to writing Plans of Correction in relation to survey findings and 2567 reports along with other QAPI resources for programs to explore.
Download the Presentation PDF
To be rescheduled • Interpretive Guidelines
A review of the new interpretive guidelines for Transplant Programs.
Organized by: QAPI Specialists/Quality Surveyor Educators (QSE’s)/ Transplant Surveyors
James Ballard, MBA, CPHQ, CPPS, HACP
Eileen Willey, MSN, BSN, RN, CPHQ, HACP
CMS Disclaimer: This training series will contain Quality concepts, foundational and historical perspectives of Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement methodologies (as they were originally developed) and regulatory guidance to help transplant programs meet compliance with the Conditions of Participation.
CMS understands that: 1) Healthcare has various definitions of what Quality is, 2) There are many methods that can be employed and 3) there are many tools that can be utilized within quality assessment and process improvement activities.
CMS also understands that some organizations blend several quality concepts and tools together to provide for a more nimble and individualized QAPI program.
CMS is never prescriptive to organizations in how to meet compliance. This training series does not support or advocate any particular QAPI method or tool. This training fully supports that QAPI activities include data driven decisions that lead to sustained improved performance and ultimately improved patient outcomes.
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Educational Content Disclaimer: The content, information, opinions, and viewpoints contained in educational materials housed on and linked from the AST web site are those of the authors or contributors of such materials. While the AST and its committees take great care to screen the credentials of the contributors and make every attempt to review the contents, AST MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, as to the completeness or accuracy of the content contained in the educational materials or on this website. The reader of these materials uses these materials at his or her own risk, and AST shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in these materials, whether arising through negligence, oversight, or otherwise. Reliance on any information appearing on this site is strictly at your own risk. Read the full disclaimer.