
AST podcasts and recordings


June 13, 2016

"Overview of Clinical HLA Principles and Virtual Crossmatch" was recorded at ATC 2016 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

After listening, the learner will be able to: 1. Describe HLA typing and solid phase assays in solid organ transplantation, 2. Explain panel reactive antibody and T and B flow crossmatch, 3. Describe how virtual crossmatch works to assess donor and recipient compatibility.

Speaker: Howard Gebel, PhD, D(ABHI), Emory University Hospital

June 13, 2016

"Opportunistic Transplant Infections" was recorded at ATC 2016 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

After listening, the learner will be able to: 1. Describe the main infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, other) that occur in transplant recipients, 2. Explain the timeline of risk for specific infections, 3. Discuss the initial anti-infective prophylaxis strategies commonly used.

Speaker: Atul Humar, MD, Toronto General Hospital

June 13, 2016

"Pregnancy and Organ Transplantation" was recorded at ATC 2016 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

After listening, the learner will be able to: 1. Discuss the optimal timing of pregnancy after transplant and the potential fetal and maternal risks, 2. Describe changes to immunosuppression to be considered before and during pregnancy, 3. Identify key principles in the management of a pregnant transplant recipient.

Speaker: Dianne McKay, MD, University of California San Diego

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E.g., 03/28/2025
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June 13, 2016

"Kidney Transplant: Surgery and Complications" was recorded at ATC 2016 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

After listening, the learner will be able to: 1. Describe the technique of the kidney transplant operation, 2. List and explain 3 complications of the kidney transplant operation, 3. Identify perioperative surgical emergencies after kidney transplantation.

Speaker: Nicole Turgeon, MD, Emory University

June 13, 2016

"Complications of Immunosuppression" was recorded at ATC 2016 as part of our Transplant in 10 (Tx10) educational series. Visit our Tx10 page to view the corresponding video for this session.

After listening, the learner will be able to: 1. State the key infectious, metabolic, malignancy related complications of transplant immunosuppression, 2. Identify strategies to modify immunosuppression with each of these complications, 3. Summarize the consequence of these changes and outline optimal monitoring strategies after the changes.

Speaker: Alexander C. Wiseman, MD, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center

October 21, 2014

This podcast is a recording of the 2014-2015 Timely Topics in Transplantation webinar, "World Transplant Congress 2014: Clinical Highlights."

Whether you missed the World Transplant Congress or simply did not have time to catch all of the sessions, listen here to get the important clinical highlights from the meeting.

Speakers: Thomas Müeller, MD, PhD, University Hospital Zurich; Chris Oberkofler, MD, University of Zurich, Swiss HPB & TPL Center; Julie Yabu, MD, Stanford University Medical Center

September 18, 2014

Non adherence is a major problem in adolescent solid organ transplant recipients, leading to graft failure and loss, as well as interference with successful transition into adult care. In this podcast, Dr. Kurt Freeman, a pediatric psychologist and professor of pediatrics at Oregon Health and Science University, and Dr. Beth Foster, a pediatric nephrologist and associate professor of pediatrics at McGill University, discuss strategies to minimize non adherence with medication intake and follow up care.  

Both speakers indicated they have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Tags: Pediatrics

April 22, 2013

In this podcast, Richard Formica, MD, Medical Director of Transplant Medicine at Yale University, and Eric Tichy, PharmD, Senior Transplant Pharmacy Specialist at Yale New Haven Transplantation Center, discuss the REMS for mycophenolate mofetil which went into effect in fall 2012.

September 05, 2012

In this podcast, Richard Formica, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery at Yale University and Director of the kidney and pancreas transplant program, interviews

May 09, 2012

In this podcast, Dr. Michael Ison, Director of the Transplant & Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases Service at Northwestern Memorial Hospital – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, discusses with Dr. Daniela Ladner, Transplant Surgeon and Director of the Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes Collaboration (NUTORC) – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, patient safety in medicine and how the transplant community can study and address vulnerabilities in the systems and processes of organ transplantation that contribute to preventable errors.


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