Women’s Health Community of Practice (WHCOP)

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2024-2025 Executive Committee

Chair: Ana Rossi (2025)
Co-Chair: Monika Sarkar (2025)
Board Liaison: Lisa Coscia (2025)
Ersilia DeFilippis (2025)
Alexandra Shingina (2025)
Jillian Casale (2026)
Anita Chong (2026)
Nadeen Khoury (2026)
Jessica Davis (2025)

Staff Liaison: Olivia Snow (osnow@myAST.org)

2023-2024 Activities 

  • Complete Controversies Conference deliverables. 
  • Develop a webinar series on leadership and career advancement.
  • Develop a Mentor-Mentee Program. 
  • Develop educational activities through new Education Workgroup.
  • Develop activities through the Social Media and Communications Workgroup. 
  • Respond to UNOS Public Comment. 
  • Offer 2 WHCOP Travel Grant for ATC. 
  • Nominate colleagues for AST awards. 
  • Offer TYF and WHCOP medical student/resident travel grant for ATC 2024. 
  • Collaborate with the PSECOP in developing a survey to assess AST members knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding the care of transgender patients. 
  • Collaborate with Women in Nephrology (WIN) in developing a webinar series to highlight the current state of reproductive health in the USA.
  • Bring together medical, legal and ethics experts to empower the transplant community to provide the needed reproductive health care to transplant recipients.