Advanced Practice Providers Community of Practice (APP COP)
2024-2025 Executive Committee
Chair: Gina Jamero (2026)
Co-Chair: Hazel Domingo (2026)
Past Chair: Kristen Ryland (2026)
Board Liaison: Lisa Coscia (2025)
Mackenzie Burke (2026)
Shahzia Lakhani (2026)
Katherine Marting (2026)
Staff Liaison: Victoria Marino (
Fellowship Training Opportunities for Advanced Practice Providers
Below are two fellowship training opportunities for transplant advanced practice providers. If you would like to post a clinical or research position, please send a brief (200-word limit) announcement to the APP COP staff liaison, Victoria Marino, The announcement should include contact information (address, phone, fax, and/or e-mail) of the recruiter.
Duke University Hospital
One position is open every September for the NP/PA abdominal transplant fellowship program. I just wanted to reach out to everyone in the transplant community with a request to let both new graduates and experienced NP/PAs know about this opportunity. If everyone can let their peers know that will be greatly appreciated! They can either go to Abdominal Transplant Fellowship for Advanced Practice Providers or contact me directly at
Also, I am very interested in finding similar fellowship programs to create an opportunity for fellows to visit other institutions as part of their curriculum. If anyone is interested in trying to develop this exchange program please let me know!
Thank you!
Kenai Hattori, FNP-C
Director of Abdominal Transplant Fellowship for APPs
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Vanderbilt has a one-year multi-organ transplant fellowship. It is a paid fellowship. I am happy to discuss in more detail. My email address is
Thank you!
Deonna Moore, PhD, MSN, ACNP
Administrative Director, Transplant Clinical Services
2023-2024 Activities
- Develop program proposal for ATC 2024.
- Offer 2 travel grants and 1 early-career member grant for ATC.
- Have quarterly member spotlights on the Hub.
- Collaborate on online educational offerings with another COPs.
- Promote the new AST/ASTS dual non-doctoral and non-medical doctoral membership to increase AST and APP COP membership.
- Provide individualized career mentorship to trainees and early junior faculty who are committed to pursuing a career as an APP through the APP COP mentor-mentee program.
- Develop educational infographics for patient and provider education.
- Develop Transplant APP Handbook.