David Goldberg, MD MSCE FAST

Transplant Hepatology
Graduated From:
Brown University (undergrad), Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Current Position:
Associate Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Current Projects:
Developing new models to predict long-term survival benefit of liver transplantation for patients with end-stage liver disease (NIDDK R01); clinical trials transplanting organs from HCV-infected donors into HCV-negative patients, collaborating with OPOs to on initiatives to increase organ donation and organ conversion rates.
What made you decide to work in transplantation?:
Clinically was fascinated by the ability to bring people back to health after transplantation, combined with personal experiences with friends who benefited from organ transplantation.
What do you find to be the most valuable aspect of your work?:
Seeing patients brought back from the brink of death to a new life.
How have you served AST?:
I am serving on the CEoT Planning Committee for the second time. I have also been a reviewer for ATC and participated in the AST-sponsored conference on utilization of organs from donors with HCV. Being able to interact with leaders in the field across all transplant specialties has been a benefit of my service.
Fun Facts:
I love to fish, which made my move to Miami a perfect fit, and am getting my 4.5 year-old into fishing (she caught her first Spanish mackerel over Christmas break).